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2500 Murfreesboro Road, Ste. 105, #239
37271 Nashville, TN

United States


Business hours


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 12:00



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135 N. Hatton Ave.
37087 Lebanon, TN

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Information of Coach

Welcome to Metabolic Balance®! I'm Theresa. I have over 8 years experience coaching clients through their weight loss journey, working with them 1-on-1 and in group settings to understand their plans, navigate personal life and diet obstacles, and maintain motivation to reach their goals. 

I came to Metabolic Balance® as a client. My weight loss was the cherry on the (no-calorie) cake for me. Resetting my metabolism, and really noticing with my coach what was and wasn't effective toward my ultimate goal to "feel better" really helped me understand how to balance my physical and emotional well-being . 

I am looking forward to helping you with your very own, uniquely-personal nutrition and coaching plan. If you are ready to find out more, please CLICK HERE for your free discovery session.


“My favorite part of of working with Theresa with Metabolic Balance was my renewed health and well-being which affects every aspect of my life. I’m so thankful for that. Besides pounds lost, my biggest transformation was that my quality of life was drastically improved. My ability to do my job improved and I had increased joy in showing up every day.

“Theresa’s commitment shows up in how she helps those who struggle with weight issues. Weight loss has been a challenge my entire life, but I am at an age where foods affect my body more. I now have a better idea of what foods improve and what foods impact quality of life after working with her.”

— M.J., Kenner, Louisiana

Information about the practice

Coaching sessions may be on Zoom or by phone, based on client preference. There are evening and weekend hours available upon request.

To schedule a free discovery session at your convenience, CLICK HERE or email Theresa at 

Click HERE to visit Theresa's website.


Theresa is a certified Metabolic Balance® coach and a board certified functional nutrition counselor, helping clients with metabolic syndrome & hormone imbalances reset their metabolisms with a comprehensive whole-food + whole-body plan that is unique to her clients blood work and lifestyles. 

Metabolic Balance Coach / Practitioner
International Coaching Federation PCC Life Coach
Functional Nutrition Alliance CFNC / Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
American Association of Drugless Practitioners Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner
Martha Beck, Inc. Life Coach


“While my focus was nutrition, Theresa’s experience in other areas taught me so much about self-motivation, self-care, compassion, and overall wellness which were absolutely critical in my success. My approach has been “I have to exercise so much” or “I can’t eat certain foods” or other negative thought processes that really felt like punishment. That mind shift over to being compassionate to your body and really listening and giving permission to treat your body well was a complete awakening for me.

“We have been on my journey for the last three months and each session I have been able to take away multiple learnings and new awareness which is so motivating for continued success.”

— S.T., Hampton, MN

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