Lynette Novelli

Contact data

34134 Bonita Springs, FL

United States


Business hours


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00

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Information of Coach

About Nettie Novelli

Nettie, originally from Chicago, has been an entrepreneur in the wellness industry since 1994. What started out as a career change after college into the healing arts, grew into a lifetime career and fascination with the rejuvenation abilities of the human body and how our bodies and minds thrive when we give them some consistent TLC.

What matters most to Nettie is seeing the results when her Metabolic Balance clients have a "light bulb moment," leading to remarkable results when they learn and give themselves what their body, mind and spirit what it needs. "If you follow the program, you will absolutely lose weight, but what really gets me excited is when I hear my clients say 'my energy is back… I am sleeping like a baby… my pain and inflammation is gone… or I’m finally pregnant'" Nettie says. "It is remarkable when their doctors see dramatic improvements in hormones, cholesterol, high blood pressure, thyroid, uric acid, and CPAP. When medications are decreased or discontinued, or they no longer use oxygen tanks or breathing machines. That’s what brings me joy. All from real food, coaching and guidance. Their excitement and success is contagious!"

Having lived as an omnivore, vegetarian, raw vegan and pescatarian, Nettie now enjoys a flexible Metabolism Positive diet and has successfully coached individuals in all eating styles and preferences.

Today, Nettie's primary focus is changing lives as a Health & Wellness Coach and Metabolic Balance Coach Practitioner. “I get the best, long-term results, hands down, with Metabolic Balance in partnership with Health & Wellness coaching."

To contact Nettie for a free consult, email her at or call 239-565-2695



"Hi, Nettie. I thought you would want to know that I got bloodwork done this morning. Vit D3, TSH, Uric Acid, all lipids, total cholesterol are all normal! I expected these results, but it is so great to confirm them!

"Also, so I wanted to let you know that back in February I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and was prescribed a CPAP. I HATED it.

"When I saw my doctor in July with all the great health improvements, she suggested that I get another sleep study done to see if adjustments could be made to my air pressure on the CPAP as a result of the weight loss. Well, I just spoke to my doctor and the sleep study revealed that I am no longer having apnea events! I’m cured! Another benefit of Metabolic Balance!" 

- John, Chicago, IL

Information about the practice


Metabolic Balance: This program, designed specifically for you based on your blood results, health status, food preferences, likes and dislikes and weight loss goals, and includes everything you need to succeed:

  • Bloodwork (using 36 Markers)
  • 8 step-by-step coaching sessions
  • Unlimited texts/emails
  • A starting supply of 3 key supplements
  • 4-phase food plan (uniquely yours)
  • Digestive wellness coaching
  • Recipe, cooking and "uncooking" guidance

Health & Wellness Coaching: Develop healthy habits and skills you will use for a lifetime to improve, maintain and return to health when you stray off course. 

We will partner to develop a game plan specific to you and your unique needs. A one-time, weekly or bi-weekly zoom or phone sessions are focused on your success and pain points, and may cover: accountability, guidance, physical activity, discovering your unique habits, what works and doesn’t work for you, Q & A, food plans, internal cleansing and detoxing, getting unstuck, and motivation.


Certifications and Experience:

  • Metabolic Balance Coach Practitioner
  • Health and Wellness Coach
  • Supplement Product Formulator and Creator of a national nutrition company,
  • Bodywork - Therapeutic Massage
  • Myofascial Release
  • Cupping
  • Yamuna Body Rolling
  • Infant Massage Instructor
  • Quantum Reflex Analysis Practitioner,
  • Internal cleansing & Medicinal Nutrition
  • Colonhydrotherapist
  • Raw Food Culinary Arts Chef & Teacher
  • Yoga Instructor
  • Owner/operator of 3 Clinics and 1 Organic Market/Café

Published/Featured/Mentioned in: Parenting Magazine, Newsweek, Time, Huffington Post and seen on CBS, NBC, FOX and ABC.

We would like to point out that the content of this Coach website has not been checked by Metabolic Balance and Metabolic Balance therefore assumes no responsibility for the content of this specific (web) page.