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28078 Huntersville, NC

United States


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07:00 - 09:00


07:00 - 09:00






09:00 - 18:00


10:00 - 14:00

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Information of Coach


The story of my relationship with food has been quite a ride. I come from a heritage of hearty farm cooking where bacon grease seasoned everything! Then there was the explosion of the availability of processed foods. They were great for busy families, but they did not serve me well. Up and down went the weight. I tried any number of different diet plans with none being sustainable. Working in the food industry made it doubly difficult to get a handle on my health.

At the end of 2019, I weighed in at an all time high at 280 pounds. Stress at work had overtaken my life and emotional eating was the norm. Then I was introduced to Metabolic Balance. I was skeptical, but I knew I needed to try and I trusted my coach. 

Over the next year, I learned to lean into vegetables. I embraced cooking fresh foods and exploring different recipes. I listened to my body and created a new lifestyle losing 100lbs! I was more confident, less stressed and I was enjoying life!

I invite you to explore the Metabolic Balance program. If you are new to cooking, no worries. I have many cooking hacks that I am happy to share. I believe in healthy, simple cooking and I love sharing my processes.

I look forward to helping you explore how following your unique Metabolic Balance plan, healthy cooking and listening to your body can positively impact all aspects of your life. 

Interested in learning more, email Denise at to schedule a Discovery session.

Food is nourishment. Food is life. Food is fun!

Information about the practice


Located in the Charlotte, North Carolina market, Coaching sessions can be scheduled virtually, via phone or in-person, based on COVID restrictions. 

To schedule a free discovery session at your convenience, email Denise at

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