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316 Cedar St.
53583 Sauk City, WI

United States


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10:00 - 18:00


10:00 - 18:00


10:00 - 18:00


10:00 - 18:00


10:00 - 18:00


13:00 - 16:00


00:00 - 00:00

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Information of Coach

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” —Hippocrates, 400 BC

Food as Medicine? Yes, absolutely!

When I was eighteen, a significant change for me was learning the necessity of not consuming white sugar. White sugar is high in calories and provides little to no nutritional value. It is also linked to an increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. 

Metabolic Balance aims to optimize individual health and well-being through personalized meal plans based on a person's unique metabolism and nutritional needs. As a Certified Metabolic Balance Coach, I would be delighted to work with you.

First, you take a blood test with 36 blood values, including inflammation markers. Your unique metabolic processes, genetic makeup, lifestyle factors, and health conditions influence your nutritional needs—and are all taken into account. The Metabolic Balance team creates a food plan just for you based on your blood values and other important factors.

No more guessing! Suddenly, with Metabolic Balance, you will eat foods that reduce inflammation, help you lose weight, balance your hormones, and increase your metabolism. You will experience a personal transformation and realize an improved quality of life within two weeks.

You can enjoy quality of health for many years to come! Life gets better as we support our bodies and eat foods that enhance our overall health and vitality, rather than creating inflammation and imbalance. Metabolic Balance will become a way of life that most people easily maintain for a lifetime! 

Cheers to great health!

"The first wealth is health.” ― Ralph Waldo EmersonDIABETES 

MELLITUS  Testimonial

Presentation Patient is a 51-year-old male, weighing 325 pounds with extreme edema and discoloration in both legs. BMI was 44.4.  

 Symptoms Patient was suffering from low energy, stress, sleep apnea, and sugar cravings as well as advanced dependent edema.  

 Diagnosis Patient had already been diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and had a coronary artery stent.   

Traditional Treatment Patient was taking daily medications for cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes.  

  Traditional Prognosis Continued medication was prescribed for control of symptoms.  

Integrative | Holistic Treatment Metabolic Balance Program was used in conjunction with other natural treatments. Metabolic Balance was used as a scientific weight loss program, designed to help balance hormones and reduce inflammation throughout the body. It helps reduce Metabolic Syndrome and a huge array of other common health problems including those that the patient was experiencing.   

Result Reversal of symptoms. The patient initially lost 53 pounds and his family doctor decreased his blood pressure and cholesterol medications and discontinued Metformin. Gross edema in his legs completely resolved. Doctor monitored his results and progressively decreased medications. 

  Current Status Reversal of symptoms has continued, and weight loss has remained steady as the client has learned to eat properly through Metabolic Balance. At first, he had regular Metabolic Balance coaching with Jane Durst-Pulkys to help him understand and apply the nutrition program daily. Later, he was able to apply the program on his own. His overall health has improved tremendously, and he is now willing and able to exercise and participate in a healthy lifestyle. The primary practitioner was Jane who is a Metabolic Balance Coach and Holistic Nutritionist and Consultant.


Presentation Patient is an obese 54-year-old male, corporate executive with a high level of stress. Patient presented with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.  

Symptoms Patient had abdominal pain, and lack of energy. Patient began to experience extreme thirst and was dizzy when he stood up quickly.  

Diagnosis Testing showed high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes in addition to fatty liver disease.  

Traditional Treatment He had been following traditional treatments, taking medications for cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes for 2 years, and consumed no alcohol. He was not getting better and was concerned due to his current health and family history of liver disease.   

Traditional Prognosis Metabolic Syndrome with high risk of heart disease, stroke, and advancing diabetes, with continued drug protocols.  

Integrative | Holistic Treatment Metabolic Balance Program was used as a scientific weight loss protocol, designed to reduce systemic inflammation.   

Result Patient lost 40 pounds, and his body fat went from 39.5% to 29%. All medication dosages were decreased, and he no longer presents with fatty liver disease. Family doctor and gastroenterologist were so impressed that they are now referring patients to the Metabolic Balance program.  

 Current Status Patient feels great, and the reversal of symptoms has continued, and weight loss has remained steady as the client has learned to eat a balanced diet with Metabolic Balance. He is experiencing far less stress, practicing a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and is very optimistic. The patient is very positive in his outlook and says he is feeling better than he has felt in a decade. The primary practitioner was Jane Durst-Pulkys, Metabolic Balance Coach and Holistic Nutritionist and Consultant.

Information about the practice

Deborah SuZan Metabolic Balance Coach

Assistant Publicist

2711 Allen Blvd, Ste 300, #450

Middleton, WI 53562


Zoom Calls and Individual Meetings

We would like to point out that the content of this Coach website has not been checked by Metabolic Balance and Metabolic Balance therefore assumes no responsibility for the content of this specific (web) page.